December 12, 2024

Exhibitor Staff Meal Plans


Review the Exhibitor Staff Registration Process.

IPEIA Exhibitor Staff Registration – IPEIA

When you have completed your registration:

  • Your invoice will now show access to the Exhibitor Staff Meal Plan
Invoice Screenshot of Staff Meal Selection message and Button
  • Additional links will be provided in the confirmation email, on the registration home page, and under Registration in the black menu bar
Screenshot of confirmation link in registration email Screenshot of menu and home page links to the Staff Meal Selection

Proceed to Exhibitor Meal Plan page:

  • Click one selection from the options presented and click continue
  • Make sure a selection has been made for each day and continue to the last tab, Dietary Restrictions | Summary
Screenshot of Tuesday menu Screenshot of Wednesday menu Screenshot of Thursday menu
  • Click Save to complete the process.
Screenshot of Dietary Restrictions tab
  • You will receive a confirmation that the selections have been saved.
Screenshot of confirmation message

If you have registered multiple Exhibitor Staff under your login, you will be responsible for entering their meal plans

  • The home page message will have slightly different wording.
Screenshot of homepage message for registering multiple staff registrations
  • The Exhibitor Meal Plan page will have a selection menu to select the registrant
  • As you complete the meal plans, the drop down menu will indicate which have been completed
Screenshot of exhibitor staff dropdown

You will have until January 31, 2025, 5:00pm (MT) to complete the meal plans for each Exhibitor Staff member you selected. You can go back to the Exhibitor Meal Planner and make changes to the selections at any point prior to January 31, 2025, 5:00pm. Any Exhibitor Staff who have not filled in their meal plan will have the meals selected for them.