October 20, 2016

New Industry Memberships

Sign Up for an IPEIA Membership Today!

The IPEIA Conference began over 25 ago years and has become an internationally recognized annual conference to gather Pressure Equipment Integrity industry groups together to further improve best practices and provide education for those committed to this specialty in the energy sector.

Taken from the IPEIA Mission Statement:

  • To increase awareness of pressure equipment safety and reliability throughout industry using technological improvements associated with fabrication, maintenance and inspection.
  • To provide knowledge and education for the continuous development of our business.
  • To provide a forum for the interaction between industry, regulators and educators.
  • To provide a platform through which pressure equipment industry concerns and /or initiatives can take hold and be administered.

Included with your IPEIA Registration to attend the Conference & Exposition you will gain access to all of the historical IPEIA conference presentations including the most recent Conference presentations when they become available.

Unable to attend the conference this year?? We have a fantastic opportunity for you to stay involved and informed:

IPEIA Virtual Memberships: IPEIA has initiated an exciting new membership avenue for individuals unable to attend the annual conference in person. Virtual Membership lets you access many of the conference presentations on-line through the Member Access area on the IPEIA website. This cost-effective feature is ideal for local or international members who want to sample the high-quality presentations prior to attending the conference in person. Select presentations are available and include both the speaker and their Power Point presentation in an easy to follow format. IPEIA Virtual Membership only $250 per person, per year.

IPEIA continues to support educational initiatives and research in the pressure equipment integrity industry. Delegates from all over the world gathered in Jasper for 5 days to attend the sold out 26th IPEIA Conference for a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders and some of the most knowledgeable specialists in the industry.

Industry Groups involved with IPEIA:

Alberta Refiners and Petrochemical Inspectors Association
Contact Jason Caron – jason_caron@keyera.com (587) 336-8047
ARPIA is an association of Chief Inspectors and Asset Integrity Managers for downstream facilities that include but not limited to refineries, upgraders, chemical/fertilizer and SAGD facilities. They have extensive experience related to high operating temperatures & pressures that are subject to complex damage mechanisms. Currently ARPIA has a membership of over 20 with a vast amount of knowledge & experience in damage mechanisms, corrosion, material selection, inspection and shutdown planning, and repairs & alterations to pressure equipment. ARPIA provides an open exchange of information between members, regulators and other industry groups.
APPCA Logo The Alberta Pressure Piping Contractors Association
Contact Joel Pepin, Chair –
jtpepin@pcl.com (780) 979-6384
APPCA is an association of AQP certificate of authorization holders for construction, repair, or alteration of pressure piping. Their purpose is to work together to identify common concerns and safe best practices. We share our unique perspective on Alberta legislative regulations, ABSA administrative bulletins and interpretations, as well as ASME code and adopted standard requirements. Membership is involved in associated organizations such as ASME B31.3 and BPVC 1X committee meetings, the Alberta Welder Optimization Committee (AWOC) and the Pipe Fabrication Institute (PFI). Our mission is to promote change in an atmosphere of cooperation, collaboration and mutual understanding through active and invested involvement in our industry and Alberta regulatory requirements.
Learn More at Home | APPCA
Contract Chief Inspectors Association
Contact Nathan Bartley, Chair
(780) 221-1268
CCIA is an association of member companies or individuals that provides Asset Integrity Management (related to pressure equipment) services and Contract Chief Inspector services to operating companies in Western Canada.
CCIA is two tier membership:

  • Full Membership
  • Associate Membership

Currently there are 29 Full & Associate members and member companies with a vast combined experience in the Upstream Oil & Gas Integrity Assessment & Management, Corrosion, Engineering, Business, Consulting and NDE Industries

Generation Utilities Advisory Committee
Contact Erick Leibl, Chair
(780) 293-4531 
The Generation Utilities Advisory Committee (GUAC) is a group of 11 members employed by or representing power generation companies throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan. Members are Chief Inspectors, representatives of power generation companies, or technical experts in related fields. GUAC members are committed to the deliberation of numerous topics related to pressure equipment integrity management systems and proposed changes to provincial legislation and regulations. GUAC has been in place as an organization since 2002.
GUAC has been in place as an organized group for 18 years.
Upstream Chief Inspectors Association
Contact John Sobocan, Chair – John.M.Sobocan@shell.com (403) 384-5942
UCIA is an owners association specifically related to upstream and midstream facilities. They provide a forum for information exchange and discussion between owners on issues relating to the safety, reliability and integrity of pressure equipment. The forum is designed for two-way communication with regulators on issues that pertain to upstream and midstream facilities and offers an opportunity to exchange information between other related industry groups. UCIA currently has more than 40 active members.
Saskatchewan Integrity Association
Contact Shane Yakemchuk, Chair – syakemchuk@vrn.com
The Saskatchewan Integrity Association (SIA)
is an owner association of pressure equipment inspectors and integrity managers focused on continuously improving and optimizing the safety, reliability and integrity of pressure equipment within the province of Saskatchewan. The SIA currently has 20 member companies, as well as associate members, from various industries including oil & gas (upstream/midstream/downstream), power generation, fertilizer and potash production, as well as food processing. In conjunction with TSASK, the SIA supports development and continuous improvement of industry best practices and TSASK Directives.